Monday, March 23, 2015

Peace & Tranquility

    A few weeks ago I was strolling the island of West Palm Beach with my roommate and we came across a secluded beach area. The week prior to that was extremely stormy and an all around gloomy time. When we came across this area of raging seas and gusts of wind I felt the most at peace I've felt in a while. 

These past few months have been full of school as well as personal stress. I'm worried for my future and for how I'm going to get to where God's telling me to be. I'm mad at the people that tell me "You won't make it" and I'm constantly thinking of the what ifs and if onlys. I've spent the last few weeks beating myself up and wishing that I could be different and that my circumstances would change. Never once did I think about the positives and the plan.

When I came across the ocean's power and the scene as a whole, I instantly felt at peace. I didn't have a bone in my body that thought of the issues of the world and the situations going on around me. In that moment I saw God. Not a literal image that people think of whenever I say that, but the beauty that God had created and placed in front of me. 

We don't take enough time, or even time at all, to look around us and see the world. We don't venture out into the place that can hold our peace. 

I want to challenge anyone that is reading this to stop, put your computers or phones down and look. Look at the world and what it has to offer. We can learn so much from the things around us. Happy looking, Happy learning, Happy hoping.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Stocking Stuffer ideas

Who's ready for the Holiday season? I am so excited for christmas! I have one more week (finals) until I can retreat home for an entire month! Here is my stocking stuffer ideas for the 2014 year. I have personally gotten my friends all of these! Enjoy:

“Selfie stick with remote”- I admit, this one sounds insane. I am personally over the selfie craze, but my dad made himself one out of pvc pipe for his go pro and it works phenomenally. I found one while browsing through and instantly click that infamous “add to bag” button. Very excited!
Nügg Face Masks- these are single use face masks that are made from seed oil, shea butter and other incredible ingredients. I found them at and am so excited to give these to my friends and family! My best friends and I make each other stockings every year so I think I’m going to include these this year.
Target dollar section- I don’t know about you guys, but since I am a college student I’m a little low on funds. I love (and hate!) walking through the target dollar section. There are so many little cute things that you can just pop in a stocking. My roommate is OBSESSED with animals so I found a baby animal calendar for, you guessed, a dollar!
Nail polish- First off, who doesn’t love a good nail polish? There are many gift set kits that you can break down and give to multiple people. I know ELF is great for this and so is OPI depending on your budget. I find mine at Wal-Mart and Target.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Strange Addiction

Alright ready guys? This one is going to be on the strange side (get it? The title. Ha!).

I don't know exactly how I got into it, but I LOVE the saw movies. I know, I know. You're probably wondering as to why and how I could love those crazy, gruesome, disgusting movies. I agree, they are absolutely disturbing. I have to close my eyes and remove my headphones when something comes up that is completely unbearable.

But please, push all the gore and torture to the side and enjoy the plot twisting, heart racing, adrenaline pulsing movie. The set up is one of the best.

I went into this series without knowing anything about them. The most I knew was that there was a puppet who said the infamous line "I want to play a game" and then tortured his victims.
When I announced that I wanted to take up the series, my suite mate was asking me some questions and I realized I couldn't even answer them. That honestly made me want to jump right in.
I personally find it better to start movies and books without knowing a background. Your brain starts to go on an adventure and you begin to think of different ways that it could end. You become more open to new things.

I encourage each of you to start watch/reading something that you never thought you would or something that you don't really know about.

Back to the movie. Each one has a plot twist, which is awesome! Aside from my all time favorites, Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men series this has been the greatest set of movies that I've seen in a long time. Instantly moved to the top of my favorites list.

That's it for my strange addiction. What's yours? What are some of your favorite movies and what do you recommend?