Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Strange Addiction

Alright ready guys? This one is going to be on the strange side (get it? The title. Ha!).

I don't know exactly how I got into it, but I LOVE the saw movies. I know, I know. You're probably wondering as to why and how I could love those crazy, gruesome, disgusting movies. I agree, they are absolutely disturbing. I have to close my eyes and remove my headphones when something comes up that is completely unbearable.

But please, push all the gore and torture to the side and enjoy the plot twisting, heart racing, adrenaline pulsing movie. The set up is one of the best.

I went into this series without knowing anything about them. The most I knew was that there was a puppet who said the infamous line "I want to play a game" and then tortured his victims.
When I announced that I wanted to take up the series, my suite mate was asking me some questions and I realized I couldn't even answer them. That honestly made me want to jump right in.
I personally find it better to start movies and books without knowing a background. Your brain starts to go on an adventure and you begin to think of different ways that it could end. You become more open to new things.

I encourage each of you to start watch/reading something that you never thought you would or something that you don't really know about.

Back to the movie. Each one has a plot twist, which is awesome! Aside from my all time favorites, Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men series this has been the greatest set of movies that I've seen in a long time. Instantly moved to the top of my favorites list.

That's it for my strange addiction. What's yours? What are some of your favorite movies and what do you recommend?

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