Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Stocking Stuffer ideas

Who's ready for the Holiday season? I am so excited for christmas! I have one more week (finals) until I can retreat home for an entire month! Here is my stocking stuffer ideas for the 2014 year. I have personally gotten my friends all of these! Enjoy:

“Selfie stick with remote”- I admit, this one sounds insane. I am personally over the selfie craze, but my dad made himself one out of pvc pipe for his go pro and it works phenomenally. I found one while browsing through jane.com and instantly click that infamous “add to bag” button. Very excited!
Nügg Face Masks- these are single use face masks that are made from seed oil, shea butter and other incredible ingredients. I found them at http://www.nuggbeauty.com and am so excited to give these to my friends and family! My best friends and I make each other stockings every year so I think I’m going to include these this year.
Target dollar section- I don’t know about you guys, but since I am a college student I’m a little low on funds. I love (and hate!) walking through the target dollar section. There are so many little cute things that you can just pop in a stocking. My roommate is OBSESSED with animals so I found a baby animal calendar for, you guessed, a dollar!
Nail polish- First off, who doesn’t love a good nail polish? There are many gift set kits that you can break down and give to multiple people. I know ELF is great for this and so is OPI depending on your budget. I find mine at Wal-Mart and Target.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Strange Addiction

Alright ready guys? This one is going to be on the strange side (get it? The title. Ha!).

I don't know exactly how I got into it, but I LOVE the saw movies. I know, I know. You're probably wondering as to why and how I could love those crazy, gruesome, disgusting movies. I agree, they are absolutely disturbing. I have to close my eyes and remove my headphones when something comes up that is completely unbearable.

But please, push all the gore and torture to the side and enjoy the plot twisting, heart racing, adrenaline pulsing movie. The set up is one of the best.

I went into this series without knowing anything about them. The most I knew was that there was a puppet who said the infamous line "I want to play a game" and then tortured his victims.
When I announced that I wanted to take up the series, my suite mate was asking me some questions and I realized I couldn't even answer them. That honestly made me want to jump right in.
I personally find it better to start movies and books without knowing a background. Your brain starts to go on an adventure and you begin to think of different ways that it could end. You become more open to new things.

I encourage each of you to start watch/reading something that you never thought you would or something that you don't really know about.

Back to the movie. Each one has a plot twist, which is awesome! Aside from my all time favorites, Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men series this has been the greatest set of movies that I've seen in a long time. Instantly moved to the top of my favorites list.

That's it for my strange addiction. What's yours? What are some of your favorite movies and what do you recommend?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Going Ghost

These past few months of school have been crazy. As I've said before, I'm a first semester college freshman. It has been the greatest and scariest experience. Learning how to be on my own and how to make my own decisions like studying has been crazy. I've learned so much about myself and have realized the things that I truly want in my life and for my future. 

With all this said I want to say sorry. Sorry that I've been gone and really went ghost
I have so much planned and some really amazing things coming up for this blog. 
It is going to be a GREAT month! 

Happy November by the way. How was your halloween? Did you do anything? What do you want to see more of on this blog?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Surviving the first month

Honestly the first month hasn't been that bad for me. I've actually enjoyed it. I do have to say that the first week was a time of adjustment so it was kind of lonely at that time.
I have fallen into a schedule pretty quickly but it is still being modified. The first month for every one is always different. I've heard from some people that it was the worst time you'll have in college and others say that they had no issue. As for me, I was one of those no issue people.
My suite mates are some of the greatest people and I quickly bonded with them making this time period easier.

Some tips that I have for surviving the first month are:

  1. Be open to new things- Now I'm not telling you to do illegal new things...no I'm saying to stop saying no when someone invites you to go somewhere like the beach or on a walk. You never know what relationships will spark when you're adventurous.
  2. Meet new people- Be open to meeting new people. Don't close your mind off and think "I've been in the popular clique my whole life so I need them." So far college hasn't worked like that. The cliques are gone! 
  3. Don't judge your suite mates/roommates- Don't go in thinking that your roommates are weird and that you'll never click. With that mind you won't, but if you go into it with a positive mind then you'll be able to get to know them quicker. Some of my suite mates have turned out to be some of my closest friends.
  4. Give yourself time to relax and adjust- There will be plenty of time where homework will become your life and you'll become stressed. Allow yourself some time during the week, wether it be an hour or a day, for relaxation. Don't wait till the last minute to complete something; you'll cause it to become harder and more stressful when you do that. 
With these tips just remember to be yourself! No one likes a fake. You'll be fine. Make sure you go into every event wether it be a hang out or a stressful test, with a positive mind. God has you, give all your worries and anxieties to him.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How to stay organized for school


 When I was in high school I had one notebook for all six of my classes and everyday my bag was filled with that book, a folder, a pen and my makeup. You didn't need to be organized to survive through school. BUT, when you're in college it's a different story. You need to be able to find your notes for each class in order to study for your exam. Juggling seven college classes and be tough, but with great organization it can be managed.
Here's how I stay organized:

  • I have a giant binder that fits all of my classes. I separate each class into a different tab with the syllabus in the front pocket. I put all of my notes in order from chapters and if my class has exam study guides I separate my note sections with those.

  • Use an agenda! I know, agendas seem so "middle school" but really, it works. I NEVER use to use them, but when you have seven classes- along with meetings- along with clubs you get a little turned up-side-down with your schedule. It works when you have to remember when you have two paper due on the same day, a test after that and a club meeting before that.

  1. I bought my planner from Office Max. Target has some cute ones and if you're willing to pay a little extra for a nice one, Erin Condren has awesome ones.
  2. I use different color sharpie pens (the ones that don't leak through) and make each of my activities in the corresponding color. All my meetings and clubs are marked with black, my biology class is pink, my english class is purple, you get the idea.
  3. On the month part of the calendar, I cross of the days as we go.

  • I have a weekly dry erase board calendar that I hang above my bed. I got this one from Office Max.
    It is awesome because you can just look above you and see what's going on this week instead of constantly going in your planner. Very useful.

I hope these tips were helpful. If you have any study tips you'd like to share, comment down below! I would love to hear from you. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

First week blues and news

I just finished my first week of school (well now second..whoops!). I have been busy beyond busy with studying. When in high school I was the girl that got away with never studying and doing my homework an hour before it was due. I can't do that here.

But in all seriousness, I LOVE college! I am in love with my suite mates, I've really bonded with three of them and we're already talking about the next year and moving in together. 

So, why is this titled blues? I miss my home and my parents, but I want to explore what this life has for me. I know it sounds bad, but I want to be on my own and make decisions for myself. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and I'm always thankful for them. They've done so much to see me succeed in life and I'm forever grateful, but sometimes I feel like not going home on the weekends. 

This weekend we have an all hall retreat and I'm super stocked for it. I can't wait to meet the rest of the girls in my hall seeing how I've only met one other person. It's going to be tons of fun to bond. 

One of my suite mates is, what we call, a manies lady (the girl version of a ladies man). She is with a guy or has a guy over almost every day. Thursdays is our visitation day so they were here and TOOK OVER our living room! It's Thursday, I need to study! So we are all going to meet and discuss our expectations of things. If you have any advice on how to deal with suite mate conflict, please let me know!

Tell me about your college experiences. Did you start this week? Do you have boy crazy suite/roommates? 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

First week and already sick?!

If you have an immune system like me, you have probably already gotten sick within the first few days of living in your college dorm.

It has been two days and I already feel the horrible scratch and manly cough that comes with a sore throat. No one wants to start their college career off sick, so to help prevent that these are my tips that I use when I'm feeling a bit on the down side.

1. Take Probiotic and Zyrtec daily!

        When you're living in a new place so close with new people there are going to be germs. When you don't have a shield in a fight, it's easier to attack you. Probiotic and Zyrtec help create that shield. I take them both every morning. Probiotic when I wake up and Zyrtec when I go to bed.

2. Take lots of vitamin C.

         How ever you decide to take vitamin C (drink, eat, pill form, ect.) it is very beneficial to your health. Vitamin C is things like oranges and kale. I know for myself that when ever I'm sick I go straight for the OJ.

3. Drink fluid.

        My drink of choice is OJ (like I said previously) and Gatorade. Theres something about those electrolytes that help get you back up and running within no time.

4. Get some sleep!

     As a college student we usually don't get the amount of sleep that our bodies need. We should at least get 8 hours to function properly and even more when we're sick. I know you don't want to miss any exciting activities by staying in, but the sooner you get better the more fun you'll have. Just grab you blanket, curl up into a ball and fall asleep to your favorite show or movie! (I find Netflix and amazon prime come in handy during this time.)

I hope these are helpful to you! Just try to look on the bright side when your sick, you can have more time now for any homework or studying you need to catch up on.

* Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor a professional. These are based off of my experiences growing up. What works for me may not work for you or be right for you. Consult your doctor with any questions or concerns and always read the label of the medicine for directions.*

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Move in day!

So I am officially writing my first blog post from my new dorm! I'm so excited to have this opportunity of living on my own (as far as "own" goes seeing how my brother goes to the same school!).

I moved in yesterday, Wednesday August 20th. It was extremely nerve racking and chaotic. There was so much stuff that I packed and as I look out into my new home, I realize there is so much that I forgot. I still need to print/hang all my pictures on my walls and I left all my jewelry, books and miscellaneous things back home by accident.

We packed up the car around 12 pm and headed out into the new life that was awaiting me at 1 pm.

Clothing and shoes

The bed of my truck was full (I couldn't close the top!) and the backseat of the truck was packed to where I was the only person who could fit. 

My school is an hour away so we got there around 2 pm. We finished unpacking everything around 5:30 pm. Can you say tired! It was 90 degrees outside and I was walking all over campus to get checked in. 

My rooms theme was blue colors.

The blue cork board panels are from target, my bedding is from bed bath and beyond and my lights are from a party supply store that I got for my graduation party. On the head of my bed I still need to hang pictures. I'm planning on hanging them with clothing pins and yarn. I think it will look great with my room. I'll have pictures of it in an updated version of this post. 

My dorm is a suite style which means it has four different rooms with two people in each. It has a common area which is out living room (beautiful view!).

We also have a bathroom of two school style toilet stalls, a shower and a bathtub/shower.

Another thing that our RA (room advisor) did was make cute signs on our door saying who was where. 

Cute touch!

So far I'm loving my room and campus! I'm so excited to see what God has for me this year. I'm extremely nervous and have intense butterflies fluttering all around my stomach at times, but I know God is good and that he's guiding my steps.

One of the hardest moments yesterday was saying good bye to my parents. After being in a familiar setting for 18 years it's hard to move away. You're moving from everything you know and have to learn a whole new area.
Can you say scary!

That's it for now loves!

Have an amazing day filled with joy. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Dorm extravaganza

I shamefully spent close to $2,500 on dorm decor and essentials. On my behalf you have to buy as if you're moving out (would like to see how much I spend when I actually move out).

My theme for the room was centered around blues as you'll see throughout this post.

I've compiled this list into separate categories starting with bed supplies and making my way around.

Bed Supplies:

  • Bedding-

  • ·          Bed Pillows
  • ·       Mattress Pad
  • ·       Buddy Pillow- 
  • ·       Sheets
  • ·       Throw / Blanket- 
  • ·       Bedside Caddy
  • ·       Mattress Protector
  • ·       Bed Lifts
  • ·       Under bed Shoe Storage
  • ·       Hangers- suggest the felt ones to save space!
  • ·       Purse Organizer- 
  • ·       Drawer Organizer
  • ·       Door Mirror 
  • ·       Duffle Bag
  •         Jewelry Organizer- 
  • ·       Desk Lamp
  • ·       Desk Organizers
  • ·       Wastebasket
  • ·       Calendar
  • ·       Dry Erase / Bulletin Board
  • ·       Surge Protector
  • ·       USB Flash Drive
  • ·       Ethernet Cable
  • ·       Extension Cord
  •         Umbrella
  •         Flashlight
  • ·       First Aid Kit
  • ·       Sewing Kit
  • ·       All-Purpose Cleaner
  • ·       Plates & Bowls
  • ·       Cups & Mugs
  • ·       Eating Utensils
  • ·       Travel Mug
  • ·       Water Bottle
  • ·       Water Pitcher & Filters
  • ·       Can / Bottle Opener
  • ·       Bag / Chip Clips
  • ·       Coffeemaker- Mini Keurig
  • ·       Microwave- My roommate is getting this. 
  • ·       Food Storage
  •         Mini fridge
  • ·       Towels (full body, wash cloths, hair)
  • ·       Mesh Sponge
  • ·       Shower Caddy- Get a hard cover one!
  • ·       Toothbrush and Case
  • ·       Hair Dryer, Straightener, Curler
  • ·       Robe or body wrap
  • ·       Slippers
  • ·       Razor 
  •         Shower Shoes!!- You don't want nasty foot fungus!

  • ·       Laundry Basket- 
  • ·       Laundry Detergent- The go pods are AWESOME!
  • ·       Steamer- 

I still have A LOT to get but these are my essentials. The others I'll figure out when I get to school.

      When you find out about your roommate, talk to them and find out if you guys want a theme and what items you're willing to share! You don't want to buy double so figure out what you'll buy and what your roommate will buy.

      Sorry if this ended up being a post that is common throughout the blogging/youtube community, but i love these types of post!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tattoos? Piercings? Decisions!

So.....I really want a tattoo.

I have so many ideas that I would want to do, but theres a catch. 

They have to be hidden! Or well, I'd like them to be hidden for work.
Since I want to be a doctor I'm assuming that having tattoos out in the open wouldn't be the brightest idea.

My list begins with:


I want it to say something along the lines of "I walk with his strength" or "I walk with the strength of the Lord" but I think that one would be to long. 

Reason: I want to remind my self daily that it's through God that I'm here and doing the things that I've done. 
I've recently climbed a mountain in North Carolina that's 16,000 feet above sea level (The highest point of the Great Smokey Mountains) and I thought I was going to die! That saying kept replaying in my head and got me through it.


I don't exactly know what I would want it to say but I love how this looks! It's beautiful the way it flows with your shoulder's curve!

I like the verse "She is clothed in strength and dignity" but that just seems so basic! So as of right now I'm not sure what I would get.

3. With this one I'm on the edge about. It's not so hidden (hehe)
So if I were to get number 2 then I wouldn't get this and vice versa. 
I've seen this on my friend and loved it on her! It was a fake that said strength. I'm not sure what mine would say, but this would be further down the road.

As for piercings: 

 This is exactly what I want. I only have one hole in my ears and that's the traditional piercing. Eventually I would want to get my second in both ears and then the two upper ones in the picture on one. 
I'm just worried about pain, which is silly seeing the post that I'm writing!

Well these would be in the future so until then I'm going to continue to try and do crappy temps in those places! 
If you have any advice or comments let me know! I want to know if you have any tattoos and what the pain level was.

Don't forget to subscribe for future posts!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Don't rain on my parade

Why chose a major that would potentially throw you over the edge with its grueling studying, work and topics.
Why even try when you'll probably change it within the same year?

These are just some of the things that I've heard from people about my choice. Most have been supportive with everything, but there are those few people who twist the way you look at your future. They make you start to doubt. 

I've been starting to doubt a lot. Doubt in my school choice and my future career. I've started to think that I'm not smart enough to study science.

BUT, I have to remember why I've chosen this future.
If I go back to 4 years ago when I was just a teeny tiny little high school freshman and made a decision to spend my spring break on a missions trip, I'll remember exactly why. Last minute (like the day before I had to leave) I was given the opportunity to go for free to Haiti and the Dominican Republic (for now on known as the DR). In the DR we went to a home that held orphans. These kids had stories that I would never wish upon anyone. Stories that break my heart into many pieces everyday. There I met this girl along with many other beautiful kids.

This is Juanita. She was the first seed that was planted in God's huge garden that's known as my life. 

We then went to small villages in Haiti where we brought different items such as food and toys for the kids. We also showed a film about Jesus. We wanted to share the love while we were there. 

Here is where the seeds began to grow a little. 

Now let's fast forward to my youth camp in 2012. 
(Caution, you may find this absolutely insane if you haven't experienced it. Proceed)
This is where I felt the Lord speak to me. During worship I felt numb all over like I couldn't move. I was sent to the floor on my knees and just praised. I began to repeat the phrase; where ever you lead me, I will follow; which for me comes from Matthew 16:24 (Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.) 

Forever I will choose to serve the Lord. Whatever his plan says for me is what I will do. If  you truly do what you're called to, you'll love it! I says that God gives us the desires of our heart as long as it serves and glorifies him!

Through this night I realized that God wanted me to do something for his people. I need to go out and reach the unreachable, the incurable, the ones that no one wanted and serve them. 

How did I decide to do this? Through Pre-med. 

Now that you know my desire to be a missions doctor....

Don't rain on my or better yet, Jesus's (he gets all the glory) parade.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Are you nervous, or nah?

    Alright so if you aren't nervous than you must be an alien. Even if you're telling yourself that you'll be fine and that you don't need any comfort, you're nervous. Just the wonder of what is going to happen in that new place where you'll know close to no one is enough to throw you over the virtual edge of sanity.

Personally, I'm terrified. I'm anxious of living with someone I don't know, of the classes that I'm going to have, the professors that will be teaching me and so much more. I'm a pre-med major and that is filling me with so much anxiety that I can fill a whole state with it!

BUT! I know that God has so much in store for me. I know that he has me right there in his hand and that I'm doing what he's put on my heart. I can do all things through him! (Philippians 4:13)

Just some encouragement for your day. Take this with you. Even if you're questioning if there is a God or flat out dis believe, just take this positive thought and put it in your life!

That's it for now!